Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Whats with the good vibes?

Whats with the good vibrations?

Someone once told me that maturity comes with experience and not with age. I do not claim to have gone through a lot nor do I claim to have gone through nothing. I spent most of my schooldays despising people and the first year of Pre University trying to either avoid everyone or strive for acceptance within the crowd. Though the second year despite many ups and downs, I still had a blast within the pockets on positivism I created that was mandatory.

Though initially I was extroverted of sorts I gradually turned inwards for one thing- acceptance. The two words ‘importance’ and ‘acceptance’ showed up in almost every stage of my life .I went through a major transformation in attitude a couple of years ago when I was introduced to something called as the ‘law of attraction’ that made its first public appearance on the widely distributed documentary- THE SECRET.

My fascination for the paranormal, conspiracy theories, alien ancestry and ufo’s, origin of mankind, spirituality ,quantum physics and the music of the 60’s griped me completely gradually over the years. I took time to research, watch documentaries and learn all that I could, till this day, so all I ever was interested in for the major part of the 18 years of my life was this. I was never ‘normal’, so inside an ever existing irritancy would show when I was expected to do things normally. Even though I preferred to aloof myself from people I didn’t find solace in it either.

My biggest weakness was evident as being unusually sensitive and having the tendency to attach myself to people who were being nice. For the most part I learnt the hard way that being attached to people can really throw you off the hill when you least expected it.
I wouldn’t dare whine about it to anyone.

When I was 13, I began writing; at that point of time it seemed to be the only solution to not keep things bottled inside. Little did I know that focusing such negative energy even on paper would lead to it manifesting all over again .Also when I was 13, a teacher told me that I could sing and though I didn’t make much of it then, I never forgot the fact. It was also during this time that I began giving a serious ear to classic rock. Even though I was being exposed to ‘rock music’ I went through years of the boy band phase. Even though the music of pink floyd, kula shaker, led zeppelin, the doors, bob Dylan, dire straits, bob Marley was being played around the house it didn’t begin to grip me till I started relating my pain with the music. I wasn’t aware then of the drug influences behind most of the music, but it doesn’t thwart me from being gripped even today. Most of my writing then was inspired by pink floyd. But such a taste in music only further pushed me away from what other kinds were listening to at that age, so it didn’t make things any easier for me socially.

Close to 5 years ago, at the age of 14, I repeated my 8th grade, and that wasn’t very positive either, but it gave me an additional year to discover the music I liked and the styles I could sing in. As anyone who has watched the school of rock so many times would be as inspired to create a ‘rock band’ as I was, which at that time was the coolest word in my dictionary. Since that day it became my dream to be vocalist in a band.
By this time I knew that listening to and writing music made me the happiest than I’d ever been. I was a rebel of sorts, like most girls who would like to act differently than what society had defined for them. I had by that time gotten hold of the theory of attraction, which says like attracts like and that we create our reality and that the universe gives you what you ask for. I knew we created our reality (for I never believed in a pre allotted destiny or a man with a white beard amidst the clouds deciding what misery or what goodness shall befall me) but I hadn’t the slightest clue how. I started meditating on what id like to manifest and sure enough initially nothing manifested because I kept doubting it to be true, I mean if people could get all that they wanted, then they wouldn’t be so much pain and suffering in the world, but gradually I learnt to stop doubting for the act of doubting in itself was misaligning me from what I wanted. Finally a time came when I began manifesting everything, from the seat id like to have in a crowded bus, to the events in my day and for the most part starting a rock band!

I got the marks I wanted , I got the subject I wanted in the pre university of my choice, and sure enough I got into a band! I did hope that I’d find people, who thought on the same wavelength as me, but what I found was an utter nightmare-Students from the most varied of backgrounds; a thousand of them who not nearly thought and acted the way I did. In school, the variety of the backgrounds of the students weren’t nearly as diverse as in college. Making friends was hard enough, and forming a band with members of the same taste was even worse. I hadn’t the slightest clue how to work in a band and perform on the stage with them. And with clearly no positive direction in my social life in college, besides theatre (which is one of my dearest passions) I failed miserably in the band, which converted to death metal later on in the year.

The frustration drove me back to reading more on spirituality and the law of attraction; I had to find out what I did wrong. The more I learnt about the law the easier it got for me to apply it. The positivism from creating music to finding amazing friends brought back the shaken optimism. Through the course of the last year I realized how much fun jamming with different musicians was, I decided to be a freelance vocalist, singing with other musicians. My music network grew tremendously and I began to dedicate myself to increasing the jazz, blues and funk audience in my city. The like minded people I have met have been a brilliant source of comfort. Today the bottom line of my existence is not to please people or try hard to be accepted by the crowd, it is to promote mutual love and respect and to feel good. The greatest men and woman in the past have known the law and have through their teachings spread the knowledge. I am in my capacity educating people to get back to source, touch what it is like to be human, spiritually.

God is shakti or energy, so is everything in the universe, all matter is vibrating energy. shakti creates everything and is everything, you use your thoughts (brain waves) which is also energy to create your reality. Once you realize your reality is really only an illusion (or maya) you are living in and that you are essentially your soul and not this physical body, you would use that to your benefit.. Bottom line of this article is that no matter who you are, what you’ve been through, you have the power to change it. It’s up to you to use the power now.

Love and light.
Kartika nair.

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